Solar Panel Installation

Solar in a nutshell and why is everyone installing it?

Everywhere you look there is rooftop solar increasing on a daily basis. Australia is one of the leading countries in the world taking up covering our roofs in solar panels. But how does it work? Our sun creates power in our panels via light in the form of DC power. This power the goes through a power conversion process and then powers your home, charges your battery, charges your EV and any unused power goes out to the grid. Once you have invested in solar the sun is returning your money for free.

How is it one of the best investments I can make and does it pay for itself?

To answer this question we need to understand how the solar power is distributed in your meter box. The solar power will always be used in your premise first before it exports to the grid. This means when the solar power is powering your house the electricity meter is not registering an import rate. When the solar power is charging your battery the electricity meter is once again not registering an import rate and when the battery is discharging and putting power to your home this portion of power is also not registering an import rate. When you are exporting power your electricity meter has a second feed in tariff in it called an export rate making you money. When you calculate the savings you make buying less power and the money you make exporting power to the grid they soon add up and its not long before the total money you have saved and earned equals the cost of your investment. The fact that you can also charge your EV for potentially free is another reason why solar is becoming so popular. The investment in solar is better than money in the bank! Click on the link to see how you can supercharge your solar with battery storage.

Is it worth it for me?

We understand that every person has different energy needs and are at home at different parts of the day. This is why there are different options to suit peoples needs. We also understand getting the balance between investing in solar to suit your needs now and in the future. Your investment in solar installed by us will last many years to come even after the pay back period. That’s right after the system has paid for itself it’s still making money for you many years after! We are also committed to the best products on the market that will suit everyone’s budget and we strongly go against using cheap inferior products that we often replace from other installers. We use the following brands:

Benefits of Going Solar

Discover the Benefits of Solar Panel Installation:

1. Reduced Energy Bills: Installing solar panels significantly lowers electricity costs by generating free power from the sun. Over time, these savings can cover the initial investment.

2. Increased Property Value: Homes equipped with solar panels often see a rise in property value, making them more attractive to potential buyers in the Shoalhaven Region, NSW.

3. Eco-Friendly Energy Source: Solar panels provide clean, green energy that reduces your carbon footprint and environmental impact.

4. Energy Independence: By generating your own power, you reduce dependence on traditional energy sources, which can fluctuate in price.

5. Reliable Energy Supply: Solar panels provide consistent energy, especially useful in areas like Shoalhaven, NSW, where sunny days are plentiful.

6. Low Maintenance Costs: Solar panels require minimal maintenance once installed, typically needing only occasional cleaning and an annual check-up by professionals like David Borg Electrical and Solar.

7. Tax Incentives: Many governments offer tax benefits or incentives to encourage solar panel installation, which can offset the initial costs.

8. Durable System: Solar panels are designed to withstand harsh weather, including the conditions often experienced in the Shoalhaven region, ensuring long-term reliability.

9. Modern Technology: Installing solar panels means incorporating the latest technology into your home or business, keeping your energy system modern and efficient.

10. Minimal Environmental Disruption: Unlike traditional power plants, solar panels produce energy quietly and without any harmful emissions, preserving the natural beauty of areas like Shoalhaven.

11. Increased Energy Efficiency: Solar panels installed by David Borg Electrical and Solar are optimized for maximum efficiency, ensuring more of the sun's energy is converted into usable power.

12. Support Local Businesses: Choosing a local business like David Borg Electrical and Solar helps support the local economy and creates jobs in the Shoalhaven region.

13. Customizable Solutions: Solar systems can be tailored to meet specific energy needs, whether for residential or commercial properties.

14. Energy During Outages: With battery integration, solar panels can provide power even during utility outages, a valuable benefit for reliability in rural or isolated areas.

15. Enhances Sustainability Credentials: For businesses, using solar energy can improve your sustainability credentials and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

16. Scalable Installation: Solar panel systems can be expanded over time, allowing you to start small and increase capacity as your needs grow or budget allows.

17. Reduces Electricity Grid Load: By generating your own power, you help decrease the load on the local electricity grid, which can reduce overall energy costs for the community.

18. Long-Term Savings: The initial cost of solar installation is offset by the long-term savings on energy bills, making it a financially wise choice for the future.

19. Increased Awareness and Education: Owning a solar system can increase awareness of energy usage and promote responsible consumption practices within the community.

20. Protection Against Rising Energy Prices: With your own solar panels installed by David Borg Electrical and Solar, you are less affected by fluctuations in energy prices, providing financial stability and peace of mind.

By choosing solar panels, especially in the Shoalhaven region and with a trusted installer like David Borg Electrical and Solar, you're investing in a sustainable, efficient, and economically wise energy solution.

Accredited by Clean Energy Council

Saving energy is not only good for the environment but also good at saving money at electricity bill time. We provide qualified and professional service that is accredited with the Clean Energy Council (CEC). You can count on us to install energy-efficient solar systems for your homes and office buildings.